Ali has raised the interesting issue whether the picture below might be better landscape. Unfortunately, I did not take two shots from the same position and coming from this side, where I did shoot it landscape, the lighting is different. This was a fielder's choice: by shooting portrait, I was able to eliminate the path on the one side and the heavy tree shadow on the pond and to focus attention on the detail and lightness of the "beach." There is reason, of course, that this orientation is called "landscape" and I can see merit in that thinking as well.
What do you think?
Hmm, much better! Unfortunately the shadow is playing a negative part in this shot. Overall a good shot.
I like the shot, but has pointed in the 1st comment, the shadow is casting a shodow on the image. :)
while i respect ali's opinion (and ask for it regularly), i tend to like the previous image better. I find that in both photos, the 'line' of the beach leads the eye to the bush at the end of the beach. In the bottom picture the bush is a good point of interest. In this (landscape) shot, the bush is too far away. I find my eye 'working' on this picture, but on the bottom (portrait) picture my eye is 'enjoying' the photo. just some thoughts. i think i might be overthinking this stuff though...
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